There are several items to bear in your mind. Our northern neighbors have many fantastic things to offer including hockey games and legendary landmarks. Furthermore, it was the gorgeous Canada Canada which first came up with the magical combo consisting of fries, gravy and cheese known as poutine. It’s a great choice for any event, which includes the Sunday brunch or late night snacks. There’s no need for a trip to the store to prepare the perfect poutine at the comfort of your own home. In this tutorial, we’ll go through a step-by-step tutorial on how to prepare poutine.
Nothing is better than freshly made fries. To cook fries, you will need to buy 3 medium potatoes. Slice them into small pieces. Mix them up with some olive oil and bake them in the oven 25 minutes at 450 degrees. Then, make a batch of delicious gravy by heating the pan with the spices, worchestire, pepper and plenty of butter and salt. Once the fries are ready add cheese curds and then slather everything in gravy and then eat!